Lesson 9 - The Market Goes to Court: Key Economic Cases and the United States Supreme Court

The students participate in a reader's theater activity. This activity conveys information about the role of the Supreme Court, and it introduces four types of economic cases heard by the Court. Then the students read four case studies (one of each type) and work in small groups to complete a data chart summarizing the four types of economic cases. This lesson can serve as a review/extension activity for a unit on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Supplemental Resources

Glossary of Terms and Concepts

These are some of the important terms you'll cover in this lesson.

Glossary Handout

Book Materials

Lesson 9 Visuals
Visual 9.1 - Visual 9.2

Lesson 9 Activities
Activity 9.1 - Activity 9.2

Standards in Economics

View this lesson's State Standards in Economics
View this lesson's National Standards in Economics

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